Currently our offerings are for both DVD and Blu-Ray only. However we are in talks and discussions to bringing our customers 4K UHD plans. We have answered some of your questions below...
Will you add new plans?
Yes when the time comes we will add the new 4K UHD plans so you can subscribe to this directly from our website.
Will you keep the DVD and Blu-Ray plans?
Yes, we have no intentions removing any packages, simply adding more and more
What is the cost likely to be?
The cost of the 4K plans will look to be around a starting price of 12.99 per month
How many plans will you offer for this?
We will follow suit with all our current offerings, so we will offer a combination of 1-4 4K UHD discs
Will delivery be FREE?
Yes, delivery will remain FREE for all UK and Worldwide customers.
When will you implement this?
We don't have a definitive date for this at the moment, we suggest you follow us on Social Media so you can be kept in the loop with this.